Thursday, April 7, 2016


I'll get more into what I'm up to soon, For now, I'm pushing this out in a really raw state, just to get it out there.

Calls, or Calling is a house rule that can be applied to pretty much any RPG out there.  It's meant to improve narrative involvement for all players.  Too often in modern RPGs, especially ones with a strong skill system, players wait for the GM to describe the scene, then start to request dice rolls to do some action.

"Can I roll to search for traps?"
"Can I roll Diplomacy for a better price?"
"Can I roll Animal Handling to tame the wild boar?"

Well, as GM, I'll say, no, you can't.

Instead I'll ask for a Call.  That is, i want you to tell me, in character terms, what you want to try to do. Describe your action. then, depending on what you say, I'll decide, as GM, which skill is appropriate, if a die roll is even needed, and if you get any Advantage or Disadvantage.

Don't ask me for a die roll, tell me what you want to do.
Call your action.
No Call, no roll.

Remember, as GM, this needs to go for you too. Yes, some rolls might need to be done in secret, but you can't have a monster or NPC do something without Calling it either.

I promise I won't take a year for me to post again.